©Kirton News 2025

July / August 2018

The Editors Letter

Let’s talk about something happy this time. This is my third letter to you all (where’s the time gone?) I’ve introduced myself and I’ve also had a moan! It’s now Summertime (some of the time) and I felt I should write about something which I’m sure puts a smile on most of our faces.

I love to bake. It’s in my top three hobbies list, the others being singing and crochet/knitting (the latter I’ve only just started and I swear I should be able to make a cardigan by now, it’s been a week!) I’ve had many baking triumphs and a few flops (I swear I could hear Craig Revel Horwood whispering in my ear, ‘that was a disarster daaarling.’) But, we live and learn. I’m only in my thirties. Ok, I’m very nearly at the end of them but I definitely think I’ve got a good few decades left to learn a few more tricks.

I can’t bake to save my life! I’ve heard that many times. But I don’t believe it for one minute! So, I’m going to prove it to you. I’ve shared my all time favourite chocolate cake recipe on page 23. It’s foolproof I promise you! It’s an American recipe (bear with me) so before you roll your eyes and retrieve Mary Berry’s Baking Bible back off the shelf, just give it a go and see! Never for one minute would I claim that this will replace your favourite Victoria Sandwich recipe but I must have made it over 30 to 40 times and it NEVER fails to please.

If just one person decides to give it a try instead of ‘nipping to Tesco’ to buy an overpriced pud, I will have succeeded! If you do make it, do let me know what you think! I’d love to hear from you.

Gosh, all that blurb for a chocolate cake? But, I think you’ll all agree that a good old slice of cake and a cuppa is something else that brings us all together. I’m thinking about Kirton Village Day specifically, which really is just around the corner! It’s being held at the Town Hall on Sunday 8th July (see page 13 for more information). I personally am very much looking forward to the variety of cakes that will be provided by the Monday Club - I must mention Carol Meeds in particular. I know many of you will have tried one of Carol’s cakes/bakes in the past. She never fails to impress, not only because her wares are delicious but also for the sheer volume she manages to bring with her!

I do hope many of you can come along and support the event. It’s put together by a band of volunteers for your enjoyment! There will be lots to do for the whole family. See you after the Summer!


Guys v Girls 2018

Guys V Girls is back and this year it’s all about mental health with all the money raised on the day being donated to MIND for better mental health.  We hope you can all join us in our fourth year for some sporting fun, good food and a friendly atmosphere. 

Teams of 7 guys and 7 girls will yet again compete for our coveted winners trophy aswell as Most Sporting Team, Best Girl, Best Guy and Bad Boy Award down at the courts at Kirton Middlecott Sports & Fitness Centre from 10-4pm.  There will be bouncy castles, an inflatable bungee run and gladiator duel as well as an all day BBQ from Dunhams Butchers and icecream from Huskys to keep hunger at bay.  You could also have a go on our tombola, raffle and other games, or simply take a seat and watch the courtside action unfold!

This years event is kindly sponsored by Clark Family Eyecare & S.M. Kent Roofing & General Building but we still need your support to reach our  target! 

If any local business’ or individuals would like to get involved or donate a raffle prize please contact us on email: guysvgirls@outlook.com or call Clare on 07920573421.  Cake makers are still wanted and of course, if you want to enter a team please let us know!

See you on 8th July - we’ve booked the sun!

The Guys V Girls Team x



The Kirton Church Fund

The June draw takes will now take place on Sunday 24th June and the winning numbers will be printed in the September magazine.

The July draw takes place on Sunday 22nd and the winning numbers will also be printed in the September magazine

The first ticket drawn was not taking part this month so we drew again. Our winners have both won before. Congratulations to both of them!

Sadly May has seen us lose another member hence the prize fund going down yet another month. The good news is three new members have signed up for the June draw and all three will be with us for a year. Welcome aboard to them.

June marks the start of our seventh year of the Kirton Church Fund monthly draw and I can’t believe how quickly the time has gone. (I can’t believe how quickly this year is going, too!)

In this time we have raised over £10,200 for Kirton Church, so a very big thank you to all our members!

Now is the time for many people to renew their membership and it does pay to keep in there!zAsk number 52! After all, if you’re not in it you can’t win it! (Don’t worry I will give you a call if it’s time to renew.)

Not already a member? Then why don’t you come and join us? You too could win! Anyone over 18 may take part. You can join at any time during the year and you can do it monthly if you wish. £5each month for monthly payments or if you wish to sign up for a year £50 and £28 for 6 months.

We still have plenty of room for more members and there is a very good chance of winning in the Kirton Church Fund monthly draw.

The prize fund each month is 1/4 of the money taken each month. The rest of the money goes to the Kirton Church Fund. The more people that join the higher the prize fund and the more money we raise for the church.

Registration forms are available in church or from Fay, please ring 01205 723529, or for more information about Kirton Church Fund please give Fay a ring.

May 2018 Winners

1st PRIZE - £34.40 - TICKET NUMBER: 52
2nd PRIZE - £11.46 - TICKET NUMBER:6


The View from the Vicarage

I have now been parish priest here in Kirton for some ten months, and I would be very foolish to pretend that things are not very different here in Lincolnshire by comparison to my life and ministry in the USA.  Needless to say, I often reflect upon the Church I now belong to, and muse on the many changes I have seen and lived through over my thirty two years in parish ministry.

The Church has a traditional set of beliefs as expressed in the Scriptures and the Creeds, but we know that whenever three or four Christians gather together there will be a least five opinions on any topic. We do not expect everyone in our church to hold the exact same beliefs.  Thankfully in every Diocese of the Church of England EVERYONE is welcome!  We do not demand that others agree with us.  We acknowledge that what we hold to be true, may not be true or may not be the whole truth.

What holds Anglicans together as a Christian family of God is WORSHIP rather than right belief.  We gather together, whether conservative or liberal, rich or poor, male or female, gay or straight, sure of ourselves or doubtful, old or young, in order to praise God, to sing, to pray, to hear the Scripture, and to receive the refreshment of the Holy Eucharist.  Our most important moments of worship are Eucharist and Baptism.

The church in this village does not offer easy answers to life’s most pressing problems. We ask questions more often than we provide answers.  We explore the paradoxes and contradictions found in the Scripture using all the resources at hand, current scholarship, reason, and our own experiences in life.  We honour the tradition handed down to us from 2000 years of church history, but we also believe that the Holy Spirit is still active in our midst and may still lead us to new understandings of God’s will for the world.

The Church of England is a liturgical church, which means our worship is formal and dignified  The worship leaders usually wear vestments; we use candles, art, music, prayer, and sometimes incense to enhance the worship experience.  We use different colours for different seasons of the church year.  We often do things in much the same way over and over — that is, our main worship service has a given form, but within that form great variety is possible.

What I have really come to love about our Church is that we are open and willing to learn about the new ways in which the living God speaks to us.  One of my favorite little books about the  Church is called “101 Reasons to be an Anglican”. Here are a few snippets from the book that reminds me why I am a committed Anglican and why I am still passionate about the Church even after doing this job for 32 years.

“We don’t quiz you on your beliefs before worshiping with you.”

“We have a faith not afraid to reason and reason not ashamed to adore.”

 “When asked if he was saved, an archbishop replied, “I have been saved, I am being saved, and I hope to be saved.’ That understanding of faith, hope, and humility reinforces me as an Anglican Christian.”

 “Asking questions about our faith is expected. In the Church, God doesn’t get upset if I wonder why some things are as they are. And God doesn’t get upset if I suggest that some things should not continue as they are.”

“Ours is the perfect church for people who are not perfect”

“We don’t have all the answers, and we welcome others who love the questions.”

“We leave neither our minds, nor our hearts, nor our bodies at the church door.”

“We find our unity in shared worship, not in enforced agreement.”

“God loves you, and there’s not a thing you can do to change that”

“Being an intelligent, strong woman is not a drawback in the Anglican Church.”

“Where God’s unconditional love for all of us is celebrated every day”

 “We welcome the faithful, the seeker, and the doubter.”

Fr Paul F Blanch


Kirton Kids Club

Finally some wonderful weather – the children love it!

Scooters skateboard, foot ball, games and outside equipment with snacks outside too – it makes such a difference.

The children have been enjoying new games and toys, arts and crafts too – thank you too all that have helped towards these.

They take home their art work each day – very proud to have made something special for themselves or their adults.

The breakfast club starts at 7.30 am until school and after school is open until 5.45 pm.

Each session giving parents/carers chance to extend the school day and their working hours – children having fun with friends – breakfast in the morning and afternoon snack – all included in the price.

£3.50 before school and £5.50 after school – with a 10% deduction for related siblings booked in at the same session.

The Kids Club is open term time - matching Kirton Primary school opening days.

If you wish to know more or ask about availability please call 07583 762072.


Fosdyke Tractor Run May ‘18

We would like to confirm that after a very successful day, the event has raised £3500.00 for Macmillan Cancer Support.
We would like to thank everyone for their support and generosity towards this very worthy cause. Regards

Don’t miss out: Heritage Lincolnshire announces additional adult learning courses that are FREE to new learners

Heritage Lincolnshire is happy to announce even more of our popular GROW courses in June and July! For those of you who don’t know, GROW courses are a great opportunity to learn an interesting new skill, from stone carving to book binding. The courses are also an introduction to the rich heritage of the County and they help you discover more about Lincolnshire as you explore the area. Courses now open for booking are:

Conserving Historic Stonework: to be held at the Heritage Skills Centre at Lincoln Castle on Wednesday 20th June. A county divided: the English Civil War in Lincolnshire to be held at Grantham Museum on Saturdays 7th & 14th July

Decoding Church Architecture: to be held at The Old School in Heckington on Saturday 14th July

Have a go bookbinding to be held at the Heritage Skills Centre at Lincoln Castle on Wednesday 27th June 2018: 10am - 4pm.

A practical introduction to lime to be held at the Heritage Skills Centre at Lincoln Castle on Wednesday 4th July 2018: 10am - 4pm

For more information on each session, check out: heritagelincolnshire.org/calendar

Our lifelong learning courses are part of the GROW programme organised by Lincolnshire County Council’s Community Learning Service. Courses are open to anyone aged 19 or over on 31st August 2017 and places are strictly limited.

Prior booking is essential and to book a place email us at: htladmin@heritagelincolnshire.orgr phone 01529 461499.


South East Lincolnshire Local Plan

The South East Lincolnshire Local Plan was submitted to the Secretary of State in June 2017 for examination. The ‘Examination in Public’ commenced in October 2017 and was completed in April 2018. The examination has resulted in some changes being required to the plan and therefore, we will be undertaking a six week consultation on the ‘Main Modifications’ to the Plan from 16th July to 28th August 2018.

Comments can only be made on the changes to the plan and, like the previous consultation in April and May 2017, must focus on whether they make the Local Plan ‘sound’ and compliant with legal and procedural requirements. As a consequence there will not be any public exhibitions at village halls. A guidance note will be available to view on our website (http://www.southeastlincslocalplan.org/proposed-main-modifications/) from 16th July, which sets out advice on how to respond to the consultation.

We will be publishing a number of documents for consultation including: South East Lincolnshire Local Plan 2011-2036: Main Modifications Schedule; Policy Inset Maps, where changes have been made; Sustainability Appraisal; Habitats Regulations Assessment. These can all be commented on.

The documents will be available to view and download from http://www.southeastlincslocalplan.org/proposed-main-modifications/ Paper copies will be available to view at the council offices in Boston and Spalding, and in the area’s libraries and mobile libraries during normal office hours.

There are two ways in which comments can be submitted:

By emailing a comment form (available to download from the website) to the Programme Officer, Elaine Henton at programme.officer@southeastlincslocalplan.org; or

By post using the comment form (available at the above locations) to: Elaine Henton, The Programme Officer, South East Lincolnshire Local Plan, Boston Borough Council, Municipal Buildings, West Street, Boston, PE21 8QR.

Comments must be received by 5pm on Tuesday 28th August 2018. All ‘duly made’ comments received will be submitted to the Planning Inspectors for their consideration.

For further information, please contact the Programme Officer, Elaine Henton at programme.officer@southeastlincslocalplan.org or telephone: 01205 314385 or 07976 589885.


Kirton Parish Council Meeting Minutes
- March 2018

Public Forum

No residents attended.

Chairman’s comments

The Chairman welcomed all to the meeting. He reminded members that it was the last meeting before the Annual Parish Meeting.

The Chairman has met with the Police and they have assured him that when manpower allows, they will attend the school to speak to parents who don’t cross the road where they should.

The Chairman thanked Ann Booth for putting on the refreshments and buffet, Cllr Danby, the Clerk and the RBL for their part in getting the event together.

(Under Local Government Act 1972 s.100B (4) as amended; By reason of special circumstances in that to ensure that residents are informed as to the higher precept amount showing in the council tax demand sooner rather than wait until the next meeting, the chairman of the meeting is of the opinion that the item (Finance - precept error) should be considered as a matter of urgency.)

Apologies for absence and reason given

Cllrs M Brookes and Cllr A Austin sent their apologies and reasons for absence which were accepted by the Council.

Receipt of any declarations of interest in accordance with the requirements of the Localism Act

Cllr Bemrose declared a personal interest in item 12. Town Hall on the agenda as her mother is Chairman.

Cllr Ransome declared an interest in Planning as she is Vice Chairman on the planning committee at the Borough, she will take no part in discussions in this item. Cllr Ransome is also a member of the South East Lincolnshire Local Plan committee.

Cllr Rylott also declared an interest in Planning as she is on the planning committee at the Borough, she will take no part in discussions in this item. She is also Vice-Chairman of the South East Lincolnshire Local Plan committee.

Cllr Brotherton declared that he is also on the South East Lincolnshire Local Plan committee.

Cllrs Turner and Hannay declared a personal interest in planning item B/18/0101 and will take no part in discussions.

Approval of the minutes of the previous meeting

It was resolved that the notes of the meeting held on the 15th March 2018, previously circulated, should be recorded as the minutes. Proposed by Cllr Ransome, seconded by Cllr Brotherton agreed by the remainder.

Police Matters

No police attended. There is a new community beat manager. He has 5 targets set within the area which benefit the Parish.

Viewpoints on questions from members of the public

No members of the public attended.

Report from the minutes of the previous meeting/Clerk’s report

Broken bollards at the end of King Street (A16 end) reported to LCC ref 101000278698

Overgrown hedge over the footpath School side along Green Lane reported to LCC ref 101000277660

Cllr Bemrose reported that a previous report made to LCC regarding the state of London Road on the footpath from Dennis Estate field is still as bad as before although the fault is now marked as complete. Clerk will chase this up.

The Clerk reported that a replacement VC stone has been received. Members resolved to buy a bottle of spirits for David Buttery who had laid the stone in the first place. He has also agreed to replace the old one with the new one.

Correspondence received which the Council are invited to resolve on

Follow up to Station Road potholes reported in January received from LCC – A job number has been raised. Shall continue to inspect on routine inspection.

Fault update following ref 101000251289 – Standing water on the carriageway at Holme Road, Kirton Holme – LCC report all necessary work has now been carried out and no further action is planned. – Cllr Rylott reported that this has not been done properly – the verges still need to be ‘gripped’.

Thank you letter received from one of the relatives of Harold Jackson VC following the Commemorative Ceremony.

Lincolnshire County Council – Grass Cutting Programme 2018/19 – plus LCC will begin earlier this year and have an additional weed spraying treatment to last year.

Lincolnshire County Council – Waste Strategy Consultation – period of consultation to run from 4th April to 2nd July.

Lincolnshire County Council – Temporary Road Closure – Kiron End (between B1391 & Mill Lane) 23.04.18

Lincolnshire County Council – Temporary Road Closure – Kirton Holme (Holme Road in vicinity of Ivy Cottage and Sutton House) between 24.04.18 and 27.04.18.

Lincolnshire County Council – Temporary Road Closure – Kirton – Horseshoe Lane 23.04.18 – 27.04.18

Boston Borough Council – Planning – to consider the developers proposal that s106 money for the Housing development at London Road be made available to the Parish Council to use for a play scheme – members voted to accept this proposal.

Thank you letter received from Rtd Major Charlie Helmn who steered the Parish Council the right way with the Victoria Cross memorial stone commemoration. He complimented the one held in Kirton and said that it was better than one he had attended in Leeds a few days after Kirton’s one.

Matters for the attention of Lincolnshire County Council Boston Borough Council from/to County/Borough Councillors

Nothing reported.

Planning applications:

Erection of detached 1.5 storey games room and study annex at the Farmhouse, Holmes Road, Kirton – no objections

Resubmission of B/17/0035 for prior approval for proposed change of use from agricultural building to a dwelling house (Class C3) and for associated operational development at Agricultural Building, The Farm Yard, Mill Lane, Kirton End – objections already submitted after committee meeting of Planning held 20th March.

Erection of 2 no. detached residential dwellings, 1 no. detached garage, and new vehicular access at 52 Station Road, Kirton – no objections, however, observations are that the fencing on both sides should be no higher than 4 ft to enable the driver vision of people on the footpath. Another 6 cars trying to get out onto an already busy road.

Approval of reserved matters (scale, layout, landscaping and appearance ) following outline approval B/16/0380 (Erection of up to 195 dwellings including access off Middlegate Road West, public open space and drainage infrastructure) at Land north of Middlegate Road (west), Frampton – observations already sent to BBC following committee meeting held on 20th March.

Accounts for payment

Cllr Ransome proposed that the accounts as per payment sheet 1/12 dated 17th April 2018 be paid, this was agreed by the remainder.

Precept error

An error has occurred in that the wrong amount was requested for the financial year 2018/19. The finance committee using the powers delegated to them by the terms of reference in the Standing Orders, resolved to not pay to have the council tax statements rerun using the correct figures but to keep the money. (This would have cost £29k + to rerun according to the Borough Council).

The finance committee also reported that they had now put in an additional step to have the precept figure checked prior to the request to ensure that this error is not reoccurring.

Members supported the decision of the finance committee. It was resolved that rather than do nothing with the money except not put the precept up for the foreseeable future, that the money should be used to make improvements within the Parish. Members agreed to come to the May meeting with ideas on what the money could be spent on. It was resolved that ideas are then run by the residents and the residents could vote on what they wanted the money to be spent on from the shortlisted ideas.

Town Hall

Nothing to report


Cllr Foster asked whether the grave digger could put the excess soil from burials at the end of the cemetery rather that just behind the garden of remembrance. He will remove the soil mound that is there.

Reports for Various Bodies

Cllr Ransome reported that she had visited residents who complained that bits were falling from trees in the cemetery into their garden, they were concerned that a tree limb could fall into their property. Cllr Ransome informed the residents of their right to cut off any limb hanging over into their property. She also informed them that if they get in touch with the Clerk she would arrange for them access to the maintenance strip so that they could have the limb in question cut. Cllr Ransome informed the residents that they Parish Council goes by the recommendations of the current tree report and as such have no plans to do any further tree work at this time.

Cllr Rylott informed members that the beacon will be lit in Kirton Holme on Remembrance Sunday this year.

Parish matters

Inspection Rota – to consider improved method of inspection

Cllr Danby informed members that the current method of inspection is not at all adequate. He and Cllr Ransome have spoken and Cllr Ransome has further information from the Borough who are prepared to carry out the inspections properly on the Parish Council’s behalf for a fixed fee per year plus Annual Inspection at an additional cost. Members voted unanimously to allow this to go ahead as soon as possible. Clerk to contact Borough Council to arrange. Cllr Turner thanked Cllrs Ransome and Danby for their work to get this done.

To consider CCTV contribution/actions to take

Following on from the visit to the CCTV suite at the Borough and a report from the 4 members that attended, it was resolved that whilst the CCTV in the village is not perfect, it is a deterrent and useful when incidents occur.

Reports from committee meetings held since last Council meeting.

None held.

To consider when to request new tree report

The current tree report is only 3.5 years old. It was resolved that the Clerk should instruct LCC Arborculturalist to carry out a new on when due ( Clerk to go by guidance given by Arborculturalist as to when to have next tree report done.)

To consider Chapel rental fee for ongoing period of time.

It was resolved that the current users of the Chapel have made huge improvements to the Chapel and the Parish Council did not want to resume responsibility for its upkeep any time soon. It was further resolved to leave the rent as it is at the current peppercorn rate.


Frampton Community Preschool

The children are enjoying being able to play outside and because of the number of staff we have they are able to choose throughout the morning where they would like to play.

We often make use of the playing field at the back of the village hall, where we all go for a walk together and sometimes we “go on a bear hunt”.

We have recently had visits from “Zoolab” where the children are able to meet different sorts of animals, they hear all about them and if they are brave enough can touch or stroke them.

The children get the chance to take part in lots of different activities throughout the time they spend with us and we always make sure it’s fun as well as educational too.

We have some children that will be leaving for “Big School” soon and we are helping them get ready for this, often scary time.

The staff at Preschool have been busy as well, attending workshops and courses to enhance what they already know, this helps them continue to assist in the children’s learning and development.

We are looking forwards to September and we will have places available for 2,3 and 4-year olds, although children can start at any point in the year.

There is funding available for some 2 year olds and all 3 and 4 year olds(After the term they turn 3).

The cost for a child with no funding is £12 per session. We try to keep the cost low, as we are a charity and aim to be affordable to all families.

We are open term times, every weekday, 9.15 to 12.15pm.If you are interested what we are all about, please give us a call on 07939 266154. Email Frampton.preschool@gmail.com or visit our facebook page.